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How to prioritise parental mental health and why…

This week we see #parentmentalhealthday. I was struck that nearly 100% of you answered no, you do not prioritise your mental health as a parent in yesterdays poll. Why is this? Why do we struggle to take a time out, to ask for help, to prioritise the self?

Parenting is hard at times and parenting when our minds and bodies feel physically exhausted and ‘full’, is even harder.

Research gathered by @stem4org found that 4/10 parents are struggling with mental health difficulties and 9/10 said their mental health suffered during the pandemic. So lots of parents are struggling but few are seeking support or prioritising their mental health. How can we change this?

Firstly if you do have a significant mental health problem, get support. local support can be accessed through your GP. Talking to someone even family/friends about your challenges is incredibly helpful.

Day to day it’s about balance. What is tipping you over the edge? Write it down and consider problem solving ways to reduce the burden.

What time do you have for you? Even 5-15 minutes can be enough for yourself to reset and ease some of the burden your carrying. Consider ways to get this time and what works to reduce stress. Reading, music, meditation, relaxation exercise? It might seem hard to begin with so start with 5 minutes a day and go from there.

What physical activity can you add into your day. A run, a home workout, a sea swim (definitely works for me 🥶) walks in nature (research tells us it works). Once you begin to prioritise your mental health you free up some space in your emotional and physical tank. You should then see an improvement in your ability to manage all things parenting and in general just feel better within yourself.

I can also help in the following ways,

👉one to one consultation to discuss your parental well being

👉The trauma workshop will help you get a handle on PTSD following birth complications or medical interventions

👉Understanding behaviour workshop talks all about how to help you be the best you can be when managing behavioural problems.

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